Mission & Vision

The Mission

To stand in Tucson as a congregation where all people are welcome to worship and learn about Yeshua in His Jewish context under the guidance of the Ruach Ha-Kodesh (The Holy Spirit) according to His written word.

The Vision

To grow the Messianic Jewish community in Tucson.


Providing opportunities to serve the bodies of believers,
in our families, our community, and the world at large.

Teaching Torah in the brilliant and clarifying light of Yeshua
and the new covenant scripture from it's foundation in
Yeshua and Torah to both adults and children

To reflect the lights and
love of Yeshua in all we do

Beth Sar Shalom carries out our
mission through a multi-faceted ministry

Conducting Messianic Jewish services
in an intergenerational atmosphere

Engaging the church concerning Israel
and the Jewish people through community
outreaches, events, and speaking engagements

Discipling our members into relationship
with Yeshua and their place in the kingdom
of God through L'Chaim Groups (Life Groups)

Proclaiming the gospel to the Jew first and also to the
Gentile through sound biblical teaching and a vibrant
and well supported ministry of international ambassadors

Worshipping God through music, dance,
photography, media and digital outlets