Our Beliefs

The following are the core beliefs of Congregation Beth Sar Shalom based on the foundational truths taught in the bible. There is a traditional Jewish liturgy containing 13 articles of faith. They are chanted regularly in non Messianic synagogues in the poetic version called the "Yigdal". Orthodox Jews have been trained to repeat; “I believe with perfect faith…” Then they repeat the 13 articles. Here, we affirm our faith in the traditional fashion
God + Yeshua + Holy Spirit
With perfect faith that there is one God. He is all powerful, all knowing, and all present. God exists eternally as Father, Son and Holy Spirit
with perfect faith that man was created in God’s image and in harmony with God. Through choice, man rebelled against God. All men by choice, and nature, sin. Man can have salvation from sin only through faith in the Messiah – Yeshua. Those who repent and believe will inherit eternal life and everlasting joy. Those who don’t, will receive eternal judgment
With perfect faith that the Messiah has come and His name is Yeshua. He is God in human flesh, born of a virgin. He died for our sins and rose bodily on the third day. Whoever repents and believes in Him shall have eternal life
Lord's Supper
With perfect faith that believers in Yeshua are immersed (Mikveh or baptism) and we remember the Lord’s death, burial, and resurrection in this fashion. We Believe with perfect faith in the Lord’s Supper (instituted at Passover). We drink of the fruit of the vine (which represents the blood Yeshua) and eat matzo (which represents the body of Yeshua). This representation is also a reminder to us of the Messiah’s death and promised return
With perfect faith that the world will progressively grow more evil and distant from God and that the deceivers and deceived will increase in number and culminate in “The Man of Sin”. We Believe with perfect faith that the world will go through a great trial with Israel as the Focus. We Believe with perfect faith that Yeshua will deliver His followers and He will return, setting up His Kingdom with Jerusalem being the capital. There will be 1,000 years of peace, a final conflict, and then God will judge all
With perfect faith that the Holy scriptures are the sole authority for faith and practice. We Believe with perfect faith that they are completely trustworthy
We Do NOT Believe
We do NOT believe in any form of Dual Covenant theology, Replacement theology, Two-House Covenant or Ephramite theology